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4 Easy Steps For Calligraphy on Mirrors

JNOEL As Featured on Diarying

Hello, calligraphy lovelies! I know you have all seen the stunning new trend of calligraphy on mirrors or glass and may have wondered: can I do that? It can look a bit daunting, but I’m here to reassure you that whether you are a beginner or seasoned calligrapher, you can take your art to the glass with confidence! Here are 4 easy tips for calligraphy on mirrors.


1. Get the proper tools.

First off, for a mirror or glass based piece, you should be using an OIL-BASED marker. I like using a white Sharpie personally because you can find them at most stores. However, any oil-based marker will do well. You will also need a mirror that is big enough to fit all the intended information. Using Plexiglass as a canvas is also a fun way to incorporate these same techniques! In addition, you will need a thin, light-colored dry-erase marker, a pencil, scrap paper, and a level with ruler.


2. Trust yourself.

The great thing about calligraphy on mirrors is that nothing is final! Understanding this will take a lot of pressure off of you. Oil-based Sharpies erase easily with rubbing alcohol Helpful tip: make sure to get rubbing alcohol in 97% or greater concentration, as you will have a tougher time removing the lettering with the more diluted rubbing alcohols.

3. Take advantage of lines and spacing.

Just like with any large scale lettering piece, having straight lines and even spacing is essential to creating a professional stunning piece! You should always create a rough draft on a separate paper. Measure the mirror and scale the drawing to ensure you will have enough space to fit everything. *This is very important–don’t try to skip this step!* Now, onto the tricky part: how to get your lines onto the mirror. Don’t freak out–I promise this is easy! You can use a light-colored dry-erase marker and a level to create your lines. Make sure to letter above the dry erase line so that the marker does not mix with the oil-based Sharpie. If you have good vision and lighting, you can also use an eraser to lightly draw the lines (this is what I prefer).


4. Don’t forget the finishing touches!

When you finish lettering you, will be able to lightly Windex a paper towel or use a microfiber cloth to erase any lines and hand smudges. The first time you do this, it’ll oddly unnerving! Most likely you are under the impression that all your hard work is going to be erased. It won’t, I promise! Be sure to spray Windex onto the paper towel and not directly on to the mirror. Once your piece is clean, stand back and admire your hard work. It’s sure to be lovely!

Edited by & Also Published on Diarying

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